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General Lewis Inn - Real Lewisburg Haunted Place

  • 1236 E Washington St.
  • Lewisburg, WI
  • (304) 645-2600
The General Lewis Inn of Lewisburg first opened its doors in 1929. The historic inn offers a mixture of charm and modern... and some ghost stories, too.

The inn is believed to be haunted by three different spirits. The most notorious is that of the Lady in White, who haunts room 208. It is not clear who this lady was when she was alive, but she seems to have an obsession with that specific room. Other ghosts of the inn include a man named Reuben who was a slave that was hanged in the room that now serves as the dining room. Guests have reported seeing him sitting in the corner of the room and sometimes people see a napkin float in the air before falling to the table.

An unnamed little girl is amongst the ghosts as well. She can often be heard crying in room 206. Whenever someone goes into the room to check on her, the room is empty.
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Contact Phone #: (304) 645-2600

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 19
Clicks to Website: 1
Last edit to this listing: 8/4/2024 (43 days ago)

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