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Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum - Weston WV Real Haunted Places

  • 71 S Asylum Dr.
  • Weston, WV
  • (304) 269-5070
Now open to the public for tours and ghost hunts, the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum first opened its doors in the 1860s. The building took almost two decades to build before it was complete and was designed with Gothic and Tudor Revival architecture.

The asylum was designed by psychiatrist Thomas Kirkbride, who built the hospital according to the Kirkbride Plan. This design incorporated light, fresh air, and nature into the building. Doorways were carefully positioned so that, when opened, sunlight would flood them. There were plenty of spaces where the patients could gather together and socialize.

Unlike most asylums that were around during the time, The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum was a place where patients had privacy and dignity. Physical activity was a form of therapy for its patients. Throughout the years to come, the asylum became overcrowded and started to decline. The patients began to suffer and lobotomies were being conducted, amongst other things.

Now open as a museum, this asylum is no stranger to paranormal sightings. Many believe the ghosts that linger here were once patients who never ended up leaving.

One of the most well-known ghosts at the asylum is a young girl named Lily. She was a playful child who spent her life in the asylum. She is known for her laughter and interest in playing games, and some reports of balls rolling on their own near her room suggest she is an active part of the asylum community. Dean, the patient who met his unfortunate demise at the wrong end of the bedframe, has been known to spend time in the room where he died.

If you dare to visit during the museum's ghost tours... maybe, you'll spot some of the spooky activity that is rumored to linger throughout!
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Contact Phone #: (304) 269-5070

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 170
Clicks to Website: 17
Last edit to this listing: 6/20/2024 (257 days ago)

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