• West Virginia Edition •



West Virginia's Confirmed Haunted Cemeteries - Ghost Sightings, Apparitions & Paranormal Phenomena Confirmed

What's scarier at night than a graveyard? One that's haunted. Across West Virginia, there are numerous cemeteries that are believed to be haunted, where spirits reportedly lurk at night, and refuse to accept their grave as a final resting place. If you're feeling brave, you might want to go on a ghost tour of a local cemetery, where an expert can tell you all about the spirits that have been known to haunt your local graveyards, as well as the haunted history of the location.
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    Cemeteries are creepy to begin with, but this one in Greenbrier County is known to be haunted on a whole different level. There is a cemetery marker at the Old Stone Presbyterian Church Cemetery, called The Angel of Death statue. The marker belongs to Maud, a young girl who passed away at just 11 years old after battling influenza. A small ceremony was held to commemorate the... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries | Real Haunted Places

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Note: West Virginia Haunted Houses would like to remind all Haunt Seekers to be respectful of Cemeteries & Grave Sites when visiting.